The following checklist can be used by the project coordinator before completing the General Information and Output sections and submitting the project to CII.


Questionnaire Element

Notes and Impacts


Project Type

□      Was a ‘Project type’ selected? Does the choice of project type allow the project to be compared to similar projects?  Note that the project report cannot be generated if the ‘Project Type’ is missing.


Project Nature

□      Was a ‘Project nature’ selected? If more than one is applicable, was the predominant one in terms of project cost selected. See ‘Project Nature’ definitions in the 10-10 Glossary.

□      If ‘Addition’, ‘Renovation’ or ‘Brownfield’ was selected, were costs related to the demolition of existing structures excluded from the project cost (this does not apply to minor interior renovation)?

Note that the ‘Brownfield’ includes a new facility but with the remediation of site conditions.


Midpoint of phase

□      Is the reported ‘Midpoint of phase’ approximately equal to the midpoint between start and end dates reported in the output section? It should, at least, fall within the actual schedule interval. Note that normalization for location and time cannot be performed without midpoint of phase.


[Contractors only] Participation

□      [Contractors only] Have all phases in which your company participated (or have been hired to participate) been checked? Has the phase being submitted been selected? It is assumed that contractors participated in the phase being submitted.



□      Is the reported ‘Project location’ the same as the construction site location?

□      For ‘Pipeline’ projects, please choose the prodominant State and City.

□      Gulf Coast and offshore projects: Was the nearest country/city or was a geographic reference reported as ‘Project location’ (nearest country and city if possible)?

□      For projects that are mostly prefabricated and only shipped to the construction location: Was the actual construction location reported as ‘Project location’?


Exchange rate

□      Projects with currency other than U.S. Dollars: Was the exchange rate at the midpoint of the phase provided? Exchange rates can be searched: XE Rates

□      Projects in U.S. Dollars: Was $1 reported as the exchange rate?


Average and Maximum Project Management Team Size (In FTE)

□      Does the reported ‘PM team size’ (average and maximum) numbers include only the people in your organization? For owners, this means excluding any contract (body shop/agency) employees. For contractor’s, this means excluding the owner’s PM team but including subcontractors’ personnel that are part of the PM team.

Output - Cost

Forecasted Project Cost (or Actual Project Cost for STA/COM)

□      Does the reported ‘Estimated project cost’ include contingency and correspond to the estimated cost at the end of the phase? Note that, in the Startup phase, the survey asks for the ‘Actual project cost’ at the end of the phase rather than the ‘Estimated project cost’.

□      For ‘Addition’, ‘Renovation’, or ‘Brownfield’ projects, were demolition costs of existing structures excluded from the total estimated / actual project cost (this does not include minor interior renovation)?

□      [Owners] Does the ‘Estimated / actual project costs’ include the cost of all phases from FEP to Commissioning, excluding the cost of land? See the definition of ‘Total project cost’ in the 10-10 glossary.

□      [Contractors] Was the ‘Estimated / actual project cost’ reported as defined in the contract(s) for the phase(s) the company was hired for? Also, if you are participating in a single phase, for instance: construction or engineering, the ‘forecasted’ project cost at the end of the phase will actually be the actual project cost.

Output - Cost

Phase cost (estimated and actual)

□      Does the ‘Actual phase cost’ reflect the phase cost at the completion of the phase?

□      Is the ‘Phase cost’ actually smaller than the ‘Forecasted / actual total project cost’? Note that, for contractors, the phase cost can be equal to the project cost – when participating only in a single phase.

□      Does the reported ‘Phase cost’ include the items listed in the phase typical cost elements list?

Note that the output metrics will be distorted if ‘Phase cost’ is not correct.

Output - Cost

Construction Cost (Construction phase only)

□      Was the cost of major engineered equipment excluded from construction cost?

□      Was the cost of bulk materials included in construction cost?

□      See a list of activities and cost elements to be included in the construction cost in the 10-10 Glossary.

Output - Cost

Cost of Major Equipment (Procurement Phase Only)

□      Was the total purchase cost of major equipment reported? ‘Major engineered equipment’ are those which are tagged and permanently installed in the facility. The cost of major equipment excludes the costs for field services, bulk construction material, bulk construction equipment and off-the-shelf equipment. Project team costs and transportation (logistics) costs should be excluded. You can find a non-exhaustive reference list of major equipment in the Glossary and Definitions document.


Number of major [engineered] equipment

□      Was the count of all ‘Engineered equipment’ reported? The list should be the final list released for procurement. Bulk materials and construction tools should not be included. See examples of engineered equipment in the 10-10 glossary.

Output -  Schedule

Forecasted (or Actual) project duration

□      Does the total reported duration include all phases in which the respondent was involved, including FEP?

□      In the Commissioning or Startup phases, was the actual total project duration reported (as opposed to the Forecast duration)?

□      [Owners] Were all phases, from FEP through the end of Startup included in the project duration?

□      [Contractors] Does the project duration reflect only your scope of work? For instance, you should not include FEP phase if you did not participate in the FEP phase of the project.

Output - Schedule

Estimated/Actual Phase Schedule

□      Do the estimated phase schedule dates reflect dates determined at the beginning of the phase? Is the end date later than the start date? Note that revising estimated schedule dates to account for changes will distort phase schedule performance related metrics.

□      Do the actual phase schedule dates reflect the actual dates at the end of the phase? If your phase is still ongoing, please wait to submit the phase to CII at the end of the phase, when the actual cost and schedule data is available.

□      If reporting Startup phase, is your start date the date of mechanical completion?

See the 10-10 Glossary for the definition of start and end of project phases.

Output - Capacity

Capacity and Capacity Unit

□      For ‘Addition/Expansion’ projects, is the reported ‘Capacity’ the actual added capacity (and not the combined capacity of the original and new plant)?

□      For industrial ‘Renovation’ projects, the ‘Capacity unit’ might address the equipment being renovated or installed (e.g. HP of a compressor being installed).

□      If a non-standard (‘other’) ‘Capacity unit’ was entered, is the ‘new’ unit compatible with other projects in the database? If not, comparisons will be limited for capacity based metrics. If possible, the unit should be converted and aligned with standard units.

Output – Work Hours

Engineering Work-hours

□      [Owners] Do the reported engineering work-hours include both in-house and contractors engineering work-hours?

□      [Contractors] Do the reported engineering work-hours include both your own and your subcontractors’ hours?

Output – Work Hours

Construction Work-hours

□      [Owners] Do the reported work-hours include both your own direct construction hours and your contract (body shop/agency) workhours?

□      [Contractors] Do the reported work-hours include both your own and your subcontractors’ hours?

Output - Quantities

Quantities (ENG and CON)

□      Were IFC / Installed quantities provided for all applicable materials?

□      Were the quantities entered in Engineering and Construction phases reported in the unit system selected in the General Information section of the survey?

□      Is the equipment quantity reported in tons? If not, please leave blank.

Note that, currently (as of 6/2015), the construction quantities are named IFC but they should actually be reported as installed quantities.

Outputs - Safety

Safety (CON phase only)

□      Were ‘Medical Treatment’ (i.e., Total Recordables), ‘Days Away’ and ‘Job Restrictions or Transfer’ reported in accordance with OSHA 300 guidelines. If not, please leave blank. These cases should not include near misses and first aids.

□      Was the number of ‘Medical Treatment’ cases (i.e., recordables) larger than the sum of ‘Days Away’ and ‘Job Restrictions or Transfer’ cases, includeding fatalities?

□      Note that total site work-hours is also required to provide safety scores.


Capacity achieved at the end of Startup

□      For industrial and infrastructure projects, was the capacity achieved reported as a percentage between 0-100?

□      For building projects, was the percentage (in area) of the facility placed in service reported? Was it reported as a percentage between 0-100?

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