All pages must conform to certain accessibility guidelines. Many elements of accessibility are covered in other web best practices, but they will be summarized here. 

The LBJ School receives regular reports from The University of Texas on its conformance with accessibility guidelines, so it is of the utmost importance that accessibility is considered with adjustments or additions to the core website. 

Accessibility guidelines are subject to change based on new technologies or regulations. The web content management team at the LBJ School reserves the right to make adjustments across the site to ensure accessibility compliance with little to no advance notice. 


  • All videos must be captioned
  • All audio files must include text transcripts

Image Alt Text

  • Every image should have meaningful “alternate” text that will show if an image is not displayed, or if a visually impaired user is using a text-to-speech browser. 
  • The alt text should describe the image and, if possible, incorporate page keywords. 
  • It is not necessary to include the words "Image of" or "Photo of" in the alt text.

Content Headings

  • Meaningful headings should be incorporated into content so that it is easily scannable by text-to-speech browsers.


  • When text appears on a colored background, the contrast must meet an appropriate level. Too subtle a difference in color can make it difficult for the visually impaired or those with color deficient vision to discern the content
  • Content should be distinguishable independent of color

NOTE: The design of all pages on the LBJ Core Site is dictated by the cohesive design provided during the web redesign process, and any decisions made to change that design will be data driven and go through an approval process with the web team, including the Web Steering Committee when necessary.

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