Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


This should be second nature by now (smile)


Stage the alignment data

First stage the sample datasets and references we will use.



The BioITeam maintains a set of reference indexes for many common organisms and aligners. They can be found in aligner-specific sub-directories of the /work/projects/BioITeam/ref_genome area. E.g.:

Code Block

Exercise #1: BWA global alignment – Yeast ChIP-seq



The last few lines of bwa's execution output should look something like this:

Code Block
[bwa_aln_core] write to the disk... 0.01 sec
[bwa_aln_core] 592180 sequences have been processed.
[main] Version: 0.7.12-r1039
[main] CMD: bwa aln -t 20 sacCer3/sacCer3.fa fastq/
[main] Real time: 21.157 sec; CPU: 268.813 sec

So the R2 alignment took only 21 seconds, or about 10 times as fast as with only 1 one processing thread.

Next we use the bwa sampe command to pair the reads and output SAM format data. Just type that command in with no arguments to see its usage.

For this command you provide the same reference index prefix as for bwa aln, along with the two .sai files and the two original FASTQ files. Also, bwa writes its output to standard output, so redirect that to a .sam file.


Code Block
titleBWA global alignment of R1 reads
bwa sampe sacCer3/sacCer3.fa yeast_R1.sai yeast_R2.sai fastq/ fastq/ > yeast_pairedend.sam

You did it!  You should now have a SAM file (yeast_pairedend.sam) that contains the alignments. It's just a text file, so take a look with head, more, less, tail, or whatever you feel like. In the next section, with samtools, you'll learn some additional ways to analyze the data once you create a BAM file.

Exercise: What kind of information is in the first lines of the SAM file?

The SAM or BAM file has a number of header lines, which all start with an at sign ( @ ). The @SQ lines describe each contig and its length. There is also a @PG  line that describes the way the bwa sampe was performed.



This looks for the pattern  '^HWI' which is the start of every read name (which starts every alignment record).
Remember -c says just count the records, don't display them.

Code Block
grep -P -c '^HWI' yeast_pairedend.sam 

Or use the -v (invert) option to tell grep to print all lines that don't match a particular pattern; here, here all the header lines starting that start with @.

Code Block
grep -P -v -c '^@' yeast_pairedend.sam


Exercise: How many sequences were in the R1 and R2 FASTQ files combined?


gunzip -c zcat fastq/Sample_Yeast_L005_R1R[12].cat.fastq.gz | echo $((`wc -l` / 2))wc -l | awk '{print $1/4}'

There were a total of 1,184,360 original sequences


  • Do both R1 and R2 reads have separate alignment records?
  • Does the SAM file contain both aligned mapped and un-aligned mapped reads?
  • What is the order of the alignment records in this SAM file?
Do both

Both R1 and R2 reads must have separate alignment records



they must,

because there were 1,184,360 R1+R2 reads and

an equal

the same number of alignment records.

Does the

The SAM file must contain both


mapped and un-

aligned reads?yes, it must

mapped reads, because there were 1,184,360 R1+R2 reads

and an equal

and the same number of alignment records

What is the order of the alignment records in this SAM file?


Alignment records

the names

occur in the


same read-name order as they did in the FASTQ, except that they come in pairs


. The R1 read comes


1st, then


the corresponding R2

this ordering

. This is called read name ordering.

Using cut to isolate fields

Recall the format of a SAM/BAM file alignment record:

Image RemovedImage Added

Suppose you wanted to look only at field 3 (contig name) values in the SAM file. You can do this with the handy cut command. Below is a simple example where you're asking cut to display the 3rd column value for the last 10 alignment records.


By default cut assumes the field delimiter is Tab, which is the delimiter used in the majority of NGS file formats. You can , of course, specify a different delimiter with the -d option.

You can also specify a range of fields, and mix adjacent and non-adjacent fields. This displays fields 2 through 6, field 9, and all fields starting with 12 the 12th (SAM tag fields).

Code Block
titleCut syntax for multiple fields
tail yeast_pairedend.sam | cut -f 2-6,9,12-

You may have noticed that some alignment records contain contig names (e.g. chrV) in field 3 while others contain an asterisk ( * ). Usually the * means the record didn't alignmap. (This isn't always true – later you'll see how to properly distinguish between mapped and unmapped reads using samtools.) We're going to use this heuristic along with cut to see about how many records represent aligned sequences.

First we need to make sure that we don't look at fields in the SAM header lines. We're going to end up with a series of pipe operations, and the best way to make sure you're on track is to enter them one at a time piping to head:

Code Block
titleGrep pattern that doesn't match header
# the ^HWI pattern matches lines starting with HWI (the start of all read names in column 1)
grep -P '^HWI' yeast_pairedend.sam | head


Recall that these are 100 bp reads and we did not remove adapter contamination. There will be a distribution of fragment sizes – some will be short – and those short fragments may not align without adapter removal (e.g. with fastx_trimmer or cutadapt).



#2: Simple SAMtools Utilities

We have used several alignment methods that all generate results in the form of the near-universal SAM/BAM file format.  The SAMtools program is a ubiquitously used set of tools that allow a user to manipulate SAM/BAM files in many different ways, ranging from simple tasks (like SAM/BAM interconversion) to more complex functions (like removal of PCR duplicates).  It is available in the TACC module system in the typical fashion.
