Versions Compared


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Code Block
bowtie2 [options]* -x <bt2-idx> {-1 <m1> -2 <m2> | -U <r>} [-S <sam>]

Putting this all together and linking Let's make a link to the mirbase index directory , we have this. Go ahead and execute this from the command line – it will be make our command line simpler:

Code Block
titleLocal bowti2 alignment of miRNA dataLink to mirbase index for bowtie2
cd $SCRATCH/core_ngs/align
ln -s -f $WORK/archive/referencereferences/bt2/mirbase.v20 mb20

Putting this all together we have a command line that looks like this.

Code Block
titleLocal bowti2 alignment of miRNA data
bowtie2 --local -N 1 -L 16 -x mb20/hairpin_cDNA_hsa.fa -U fq/human_mirnaseq.fastq.gz -S human_mirnaseq.sam
titleWhat's going on?
  • --local – local alignment mode
  • -L 16 – seed length 16
  • -N 1 – allow 1 mismatch in the seed
  • -x mb20/hairpin_cDNA_hsa.fa – prefix path of index files
  • -U fq/human_mirnaseq.fastq.gz – FASTQ file for single-end (Unpaired) alignment
  • -S human_mirnaseq.sam – tells bowtie2 to report alignments in SAM format to the specified file


Create a commands file called bt2.cmds with this task definition then generate and submit a batch job for it (time 1 hour, normal queue).

titleWhat's going on?

Use nano to create the bt2.cmds file. Then:

Code Block
titleLocal bowti2 alignment of miRNA data -n bt2 -j bt2.cmds -t 01:00:00 -q normal
sbatch bt2.slurm; showq -u

When the job is complete Now you should have a human_mirnaseq.sam file that you can examine using whatever commands you like. An example alignment looks like this.
