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titleInterrogate the script to determine how to invoke it. Click here for hints before the answer

You can often get more information about python scripts by typing the name of the script followed by the -h command.

Code Block
titleThe -h command should show you these options as being the key options to use/consider
  -f1 FASTQ1, --fastq1 FASTQ1
                        fastq read1 file to check
  -f2 FASTQ2, --fastq2 FASTQ2
                        fastq read2 file to check
  -p PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        prefix for output files
  -s, --SSCS            calculate SSCS sequence, off by default. IF DCS
                        specificed, automatically on
  -m MINIMUM_READS, --minimum_reads MINIMUM_READS
                        minimum number of reads needed to support SSCS reads
  --log LOG             name of output log file
Code Block
titleUsing that information, see if you can figure out how to put the command together
collapsetrue -f1 DED110_CATGGC_L006_R1_001.fastq -f2 DED110_CATGGC_L006_R2_001.fastq -p DED110 -s -m 2 --log SSCS_Log

This should take 10 minutes or less to complete is expected to take more than 30 minutes in an idev shell. You may want run it as a submitted job rather than interatively. If you are unsure how to accomplish this please ask. Suggest looking over the alternative library prep presentation Alternative Library Prep Methods.pdfor the duplex sequencing paper itself in the mean time
