
In this lab, you will explore a popular fast mapper called BWA. Simulated RNA-seq data will be provided to you; the data contains 75 bp paired-end reads that have been generated in silico to replicate real gene count data from Drosophila. The data simulates two biological groups with three biological replicates per group (6 samples total).  The objectives of this lab is mainly to:

  1. Learn how BWA works and how to use it.


BWA (the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner) is a fast short read aligner. It is an unspliced mapper. It's the successor to another aligner you might have used or heard of called MAQ (Mapping and Assembly with Quality). As the name suggests, it uses the burrows-wheeler transform to perform alignment in a time and memory efficient manner.

BWA Variants

BWA has three different algorithms:

Get your data

Six raw data files have been provided for all our further RNA-seq analysis:

cd my_rnaseq_course
cd day_2/bwa_exercise

Lets look at the data files and reference files

ls ../data
ls ../reference
head ../reference/transcripts.fasta 
#see how many transcripts there are in the file
grep -c '^>' ../reference/transcripts.fasta
head ../reference/genome.fa
#see how many sequences there are in the file
grep -c '^>' ../reference/genome.fa
head ../reference/genes.formatted.gtf
#see how many entries there are in this file
wc -l ../reference/genes.formatted.gtf


Load the module:

module load intel/17.0.4
module load bwa

You can see the different commands available under the bwa package from the command line help:


Part 1. Create a index of your reference


All the files starting with the prefix transcripts.fasta are your BWA index files.

bwa index -a bwtsw reference/transcripts.fasta

Part 2. Align the samples to reference using bwa mem

 Running alignment using the newest and greatest, BWA MEM to the transcriptome. Alignment is just one single step with bwa mem.

Create a commands file and use launcher_creator.py followed by sbatch.

Make sure each command is one line in your commands file.

nano commands.mem
#Enter these lines into the file
bwa mem -o C1_R1.mem.sam ../reference/transcripts.fasta ../data/GSM794483_C1_R1_1.fq ../data/GSM794483_C1_R1_2.fq 
bwa mem -o C1_R2.mem.sam ../reference/transcripts.fasta ../data/GSM794484_C1_R2_1.fq ../data/GSM794484_C1_R2_2.fq 
bwa mem -o C1_R3.mem.sam ../reference/transcripts.fasta ../data/GSM794485_C1_R3_1.fq ../data/GSM794485_C1_R3_2.fq 
bwa mem -o C2_R1.mem.sam ../reference/transcripts.fasta ../data/GSM794486_C2_R1_1.fq ../data/GSM794486_C2_R1_2.fq 
bwa mem -o C2_R2.mem.sam ../reference/transcripts.fasta ../data/GSM794487_C2_R2_1.fq ../data/GSM794487_C2_R2_2.fq  
bwa mem -o C2_R3.mem.sam ../reference/transcripts.fasta ../data/GSM794488_C2_R3_1.fq ../data/GSM794488_C2_R3_2.fq 

launcher_creator.py -n mem -t 04:00:00 -j commands.mem -q normal -a UT-2015-05-18 -m "module load intel/17.0.4;module load bwa" -l bwa_mem_launcher.slurm

sbatch --reservation=RNASeq-Tue bwa_mem_launcher.slurm

#or if reservation is giving us issues

sbatch bwa_mem_launcher.slurm

Since this will take a while to run, you can look at already generated results at: bwa_mem_results_transcriptome

Alternatively, we can also use bwa to map to the genome (reference/genome.fa).

Now that we are done mapping, lets look at how to assess mapping results.