Identification and annotation of SNPs and/or somatic mutations compared to reference genome. 10 hour minimum ($730 internal, $930 external) per project.

1. Quality Assessment

Quality of data assessed by FastQC and SAMStat; results of quality assessment will be evaluated prior to downstream analysis.

2. Mapping

Mapping to genome reference using BWA-mem (alternative algorithms available on request).

3a. Variant Calling Option 1: GATK

Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) used to call SNPs and indels according to best practices recommended by Broad institute.

3b. Variant Calling Option 2: Somatic Mutation Identification

MuTect and MutSig from the Broad institute are available for calling somatic mutations; other methods may be available upon request as well.

4. Annotation

Further annotation of variant calls may be provided using ANNOVAR.