FAMDEM: Family Analysts Meeting to Discuss Emerging Manuscripts

FAMDEM, originated in Fall 2008, is a friendly, informal group for students, faculty, and postdocs to present early results from (and get feedback on) their research on Family Demography. Families are central to many social processes at the macro and micro levels. Marriage and childcare continue to be highly gendered, with implications for stratification in the workplace. Changes in work and social policy over the past century have had profound implications for social expectations about marriage, fertility, and intergenerational relationships. Families continue to link the opportunities of children to those of their parents and thus families are still central to (re)production of the next generation. These are some of the topics of research FAMDEM members discuss at meetings.

In the Spring 2024 semester, we will meet from 11am-12pm on Wednesdays in RLP 3.106 (3rd floor Sociology classroom); a zoom link is also available upon request.

If you would like to join FAMDEM or if you are a member who would like to present send an email to kimmcerlean@utexas.edu and kerry.waldrep@utexas.edu. Our schedule and open slots are below.

Upcoming presentations (Spring 2024).    

January 29. **Optional** Meeting with Kris Marsh (University of Maryland) to discuss her book: The Love Jones Cohort: Single and Living Alone in the Black Middle Class.

  • Note: this meeting is on Monday, January 29, 1-2pm in RLP 1.302D.

February 14. Kristen Burke and Kerry Waldrep. Planning for a Family while Paying Down Student Loans: The Evolution of Fertility Intentions and Behaviors in Early Adulthood. Informal presentation.

February 28. Jaime Feng-Yuan Hsu and Asya Saydam. Financial Stress and Mental Health: A Dyadic Analysis of Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples in the US.

March 20. 4pm. New Graduate Student Recruitment (PRC 2nd floor Fishbowl) - note time and location

March 27. Kylie Jaeyun Yim. Are Children Too Costly? Cross-Societal Differences in the Attitudes Toward Childbearing. Informal presentation.

April 10. PAA Practice Talks

Talk 1: Isabel McLoughlin Brooks

Talk 2: Kylie Jaeyun Yim

Talk 3: Kristen Burke and Kerry Waldrep

April 24. Kristen Burke. Marriage and fertility in the contemporary US. Formal presentation.

Recent presentations

November 29. Kimberly McErlean and Jennifer Glass. Show Me the Money: How children’s monetary support is split between mothers and fathers in the contemporary U.S.

November 8. Kylie Jaeyun Yim. Informal presentation: Lost Desires: Gender Role Attitudes and Fertility Desires in East Asia.

October 25. Kathryn Wiley. Practice job talk: Wealth-Building, Resource Sharing, and Superwomaning: The Economic Centrality of Middle-Class Black Women to their Households.

October 11. Amanda Nagle. Informal presentation: Pregnancy loss through a demographer's lens: How common is the experience of pregnancy loss among American women?

September 27. Asya Saydam and Shannon Cavanagh. Maternal Depression Across Early Childhood: Similarities and Differences Across three Liberal Democracies.

September 13.  Youngjoon Bae. Examining the role of living alone in the trends of obesity and sarcopenic obesity by birth cohorts among American older men and women.        

March 1. Michelle Eilers. Gendered Expectations when asked to Perform Oral Sex: Capturing Women's, Men's, and Nonbinary People's Perceptions in a National Survey Experiment. Discussant: Amanda Nagle

February 15. Shannon Cavanagh. Mothering while Sick: Poor Health and Educational Attainment among Young Adults. Discussant: Kristen Burke

February 8. Narae Park. "Is There a Child Penalty in South Korea?" Discussant: Rob Crosnoe

November 30: How long can he stay?: The association between young men's co-residence with parents and employment outcomes in early middle age. by Asya Saydam. Discussant: Carly Young

November 9: Diversifying Tradition: Family Values and Fertility Intentions of Korean Women, 2010-2020. by Kylie Jaeyun Yim (informal presentation)

October 26: What are the economic consequences of the rise in maternal breadwinning? by Kim McErlean, Joanna Pepin, and Jennifer Glass.

September 28: Relationship Type and Relationship Satisfaction: Major Differences Across Generations of LGB Individuals. by Gaëlle Meslay. Discussant: Asya Saydam

September 14: Can Social Engagement after Bereavement Reduce Trajectories of Depression after the Death of a Child? by Min Cha. Discussant: Michelle Eilers.

May 4: Uncertainty about maternal mortality in India: New, higher estimates from the National Family Health Survey, by Diane Coffey. Discussed by Kim McErlean

April 20:  Moral Attitudes and Sexual Behavior in the Transition to Adulthood: Is there a Reciprocal Relationship for Young Women? by Michelle Eilers

March 9: Why Are So Many U.S. Mothers Becoming Their Family’s Primary Economic Support presented by Kim McErlean

February 23: "Family Migration Context and Adolescent Family Formation Expectations: Comparative Evidence from Three High-Migration Settings" Sarah Hayford

February 9: The Economic Determinants of Marriage: Do They Vary by Socioeconomic Status? by Kim McErlean. Discussed by Kara Joyner.

January 26: Paradoxical Global Trends in Stated Attitudes about Men’s Physical and Sexual Violence against Women by Jeffrey Swindle. Carolina Aragao discussant.

October 27 – Abigail Weitzman. informal presentation, "Family Changes and Instability Among the Recent Venezuelan Diaspora."

October 13 - Jordan Conwell formal presentation "Women's Household Income Returns to College Quality: Racial Disparities Across Two Cohorts" student discussant Carolina Aragao.       

September 29 – Inbar Weiss (informal presentation) "The Social Determinants of Transnational Marriage: Ethnic Cohesion, Global Economic Inequality, or Gender Norm?"

September 15 – Kim McErlean (informal presentation)

April 7 – "Excess neonatal mortality among private facility births in rural India: a demographic analysis of a nationally representative survey" by Diane Coffey. Discussant: Shannon Cavanagh

March 24 – "Unraveling Mate Selection Processes Through Conjoint Survey Experiments" by Kara Joyner

March 10 – “Patterns of Household Extension and Instability: Evidence of Family Institutionalization?” presented by Kelly Raley. Discussant: Kathryn Wiley.

March 3 –  "Transnational marriages: A test of competing explanations" by Inbar Weiss. Discussant: Jeffrey Swindle

February 3 – Responding to an R&R by Diane Coffey

Select Publications

Glass, Jennifer L., R. Kelly Raley, and Joanna R. Pepin. 2021. “Children’s Financial Dependence on Mothers: Propensity and Duration.” Socius 7:23780231211055250. doi: 10.1177/23780231211055246.

McErlean, Kim. 2021. “The Growth of Education Differentials in Marital Dissolution in the United States.” Demographic Research 45(26):841–56. doi: 10.4054/DemRes.2021.45.26

Coffey, Diane, Payal Hathi, Nazar Khalid, and Amit Thorat. forthcoming. “Measurement of population mental health: Evidence from a mobile phone survey in India.” Health Policy & Planning.

Gupta, Aashish and Diane Coffey. 2020. “Caste, religion, and mental health in India.” Population Research & Policy Review. 39, 1119–1141.

Broussard, Kathleen and Abigail Weitzman. forthcoming. “Fertility Ideals and Sibling Loss: Evidence from the High Mortality Context of Peru.” Population Studies. 

Dernberger, Brittany N. and Joanna R. Pepin. 2020. Young Adults’ Expectations of the Division of Labor in their Future Families. Sociological Science. doi: 10.15195/v7.a2

Wikle, Jocelyn S., Elizabeth Ackert, and Alexander C. Jensen. 2019. "Companionship Patterns and Emotional States During Social Interactions for Adolescents With and Without Siblings. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48: 2190-2206. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-019-01121-z 

Coffey, Diane and Dean Spears. Forthcoming. "Neonatal Death in India: Birth Order in a Context of Maternal Undernutrition."   The Economic Journal.    

Villanueva, Aida and Ken-Hou Lin.  Conditionally accepted. “Motherhood Wage Penalties in Latin America: The Significance of Labor Informality”.  Social Forces

Raley, R. Kelly, Inbar Weiss, Robert Reynolds, Shannon Cavanagh. 2019. "Estimating Children's Household Instability from Birth until Age 18 using Longitudinal Household Roster Data.” Demography , 56(5): 1957-1973. 10.1007/s13524-019-00806-1.

Rachel Donnelly, Debra Umberson, and Tetyana Pudrovska. 2018. "Family Member Death and Subjective Life Expectancy Among Black and White Older Adults." Journal of Aging & Health 

Ackert, Elizabeth, Robert Ressler, Arya Ansari, and Robert Crosnoe. 2018. "Maternal Employment, Community Contexts, and the Child-Care Arrangements of Diverse Groups." Journal of Marriage and Family 80:1210-1224. 

Yahirun, Jenjira and Erika Arenas. 2018. "Offspring Migration and Parents' Emotional and Psychological Well-being in Mexico." Journal of Marriage and Family

Cobb, J. Adam and Ken-Hou Lin. 2017. “Growing Apart: The Declining Firm-Size Wage Effect and Its Wage Inequality Consequence.” Organization Science 28: 429-446.

Ansari, Arya, et al.. 2017. "Differential Third-Grade Outcomes Associated with Attending Publicly Funded Preschool Programs for Low Income Latino Children." Child Development 88: 1743-1756

Olson, Julie Skalamera and Robert Crosnoe. 2017. “Are You Still Bringing Me Down? Romantic Involvement and Depressive Symptoms from Adolescence to Young Adulthood.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior .

Frisco, Michelle, Marin R. Wenger, and Derek A. Kreager. 2017. "Extradyadic sex and union dissolution among young adults in opposite-sex married and cohabiting unions." Social Science Research. 62: 291-304.

Kuo, Janet Chen-Lan and R. Kelly Raley. 2016. “Is it All about Money? Work Characteristics and Women’s and Men’s Marriage Formation in Early Adulthood.” Journal of Family Issues. 37:1046-1073 DOI: 10.1177/0192513X14530973

Kim, Yujin and R. Kelly Raley. 2015. “Race-Ethnic Differences in the Non-marital Fertility Rates in 2006–2010. Population Research and Policy Review. 34(1): 141-159. DOI: 10.1007/s11113-014-9342-9

Augustine, Jennifer March and R. Kelly Raley. April 2013. “Multigenerational Households and the School Readiness of Children Born to Unmarried Mothers.” Journal of Family Issues 34(4): 431-459. DOI: 10.1177/0192513X12439177

Raley, R. Kelly, Kim, Yujin, and Kimberly Daniels. 2012. “Young adults' fertility expectations and events, Associations with college enrollment and persistence.” Journal of Marriage and Family. 74: 866-879. DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2012.00990.x

McNamee, Catherine M. and R. Kelly Raley. 2011. “A Note on Race, Ethnicity and Nativity Differentials in Remarriage in the United States.” Demographic Research. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2011.24.13

Uecker, Jeremy E and Mark D. Regnerus. 2010. Bare Market: Campus Sex Ratios, Romantic Relationships, and Sexual Behavior. The Sociological Quarterly 51: 408-435

 Members (updated August 2023)

Youngjoon Bae, Postdoc
Kristen Burke, Graduate Student
Shannon Cavanagh, Professor

Jordan Conwell , Professor
Robert Crosnoe, Professor
Diane Coffey, Professor 
Noah DiAntonio, Graduate Student 
Michael Garcia, Graduate Student
Lauren Gaydosh , Professor
Jennifer Glass, Professor
Jaime Feng-Yuan Hsu, Graduate Student
Kara Joyner, Professor (UTSA)
Kim McErlean, Graduate Student
Isabel McLoughlin Brooks, Graduate Student
Gaëlle Meslay, Postdoc
Amanda Nagle , Graduate Student
Taylor Orth, Postdoc
Narae Park, Postdoc
Kelly Raley, Professor
Iani SAM, Graduate Student
Asya Saydam , Graduate Student
Sarah Song, Graduate Student
Kerry Waldrep, Graduate Student
Abigail Weitzman , Professor
Kathryn Wiley, Graduate Student
Brooke Whitfield , Graduate Student
Carly Young, Graduate Student
Kylie Jaeyun Yim, Graduate Student

Past Participants currently in academic or research  positions

Liz Ackert, Assistant Professor of Geography, University of California Santa Barbara.  
M. Carolina Aragao, Research Associate, Pew Research Center
Jennifer Augustine, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of South Carolina 
Kathleen Broussard, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of South Carolina
Christina Caramanis, Lecturer, University of Texas at Austin
Hyungmin Cha , Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Southern California
Kimberly Daniels, Associate Service Fellow at National Center for Health Statistics
Rachel Donnelly, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Vanderbilt University
Shih-Yi Chao, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Southampton 
Michelle Eilers, Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Minnesota 

Michelle Frisco, Associate Professor of Sociology and Demography, Penn State University
Conrad Hackett, Associate Director, Senior Demographer, Pew Research Center
Carol Johnston, Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Science, East Carolina University
Sarah Kendig, Associate Professor Arkansas State University
Yujin Kim, Assistant Professor, Kangwon University
Rhiannon Kroeger, Assistant Professor Louisiana State University
Janet Kuo, Assistant Professor National Taiwan University
Danya Lagos, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley
David McClendon, Principal, January Advisors
Cate McNamee, Lecturer (tenure track) Queen’s University Belfast
David Pedulla, Professor, Harvard University
Joanna Pepin, Assistant Professor
Kate Prickett, Director of the Roy McKenzie Centre for the Study of Families and Children and a senior lecturer in the School of Government at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand
Goleen Samari, Assistant Professor, Columbia University, Population and Family Health
Chuck Stokes, Associate Professor, Samford University
Kate Sullivan, Senior Researcher, American Institutes for Research
Jeffrey Swindle, Harvard College Fellow, Harvard University
Jeremy Uecker Associate Professor Baylor University
Aida Villanueva, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Jenjira Yahirun Assistant Professor, Bowling Green State University