
Graduate Coordinator (SZB 406, 471-5942) coordinates the field supervisor applications for the department of Curriculum and Instruction. The applicants are most often graduate students with teaching experience and strong references.  The following are the Graduate Coordinator’s recommendations for finding the right field supervisor for your cohort:


The two main sources for field supervisors to receive support are their cohort coordinators and the Education Services office. 

When asked about what a coordinator who provides good support looks like, some of their descriptors were “collaborative”, “collegial”, “accessible”, “organized”, and “approachable. 

They said that they needed support from Education Services in providing them with the following:

Our goal is to ensure that these supports are in place for our field supervisors so that they will have the necessary tools for training our future teachers.

Occasionally, a field supervisor needs extra support in dealing with a challenging situations dealing with student, cooperating teacher, or school administrator.  In the case of the latter two, the coordinator should immediately intervene in an endeavor to mediate to a positive resolution. 

In the case of a challenging student situation, the field supervisor should be given the following guidance: