Lynda online training

Free for current University faculty and staff. Online training videos for business, IT, web design, marketing, and more. Popular courses:

Qualtrics Survey Tool

Create surveys using UT's licensed Qualtrics Survey Tool. This is also useful for event registrations or polls. More info:

UT Box

UT now offers Box Enterprise Service (UTBox) for all students, faculty and staff.  UTBox is a cloud hosted data storage service similar to Dropbox so you can share files with specific people or send a link to let anybody have access to view and/or edit files in a specific folder.  Unlike the commercial services, UTBox meets the security requirements for UT Category 1 data.  Dropbox and others should not be used for UT Cat1 data as they do not meet UT standards.

UT Lists

This service is for UT faculty, staff, and students to create mailing groups for discussions, updates, etc. It can be for work group discussions, alerts to staff, or even buy/sell/trade casual discussions. They can be open to anyone to subscribe or may be more restricted by the list owners. When an email is received from one of these lists, it will have the list name in brackets at the head of the subject line: ** software & design of the subscription interface will be updated March/April 2018
example of subject lines from different UTList

UT Stache

UT's Stache service is a highly security cloud service for storing your passwords. It can also securely share passwords with other UT staff (valid UT EID required) if needed for a project or group account. You can designate other people to own, edit, or just view the password in question. Each password you enter is secure to you alone until you share it. More info:

UT Short Link service

UT's alternative to,, and tinyURL services. It allows the original creator to track use of the link over time. The link includes the trusted "" domain. It does not work on all links and can not be customized nor can it be updated once created.

In this example: directs to a much more complicated URL

list of created shortlinksstats for a shortlink to CTR Annual reports