The Butler School of Music provides students with recital programs for their recitals through the student programs office. Students also have the option of supplying their own programs. If you choose to supply your own program, you should follow the steps outlined under Providing Your Own Program at the bottom of this page.

What the school offers

What the school does not offer


The deadline for you to submit your program is 2 weeks (14 calendar days) before your recital date. The program may be submitted at any time after your recital is confirmed, but the final deadline for submission is 14 calendar days. If you miss this deadline, you will not receive a program. There are no exceptions. You will then be required to create and supply your own programs (see below).

How to submit your recital program

4 Weeks Before Your Recital

1. Make sure your recital is confirmed.

2. Download the required program submission form.

3. Read the Program Style Manual to learn how information for your recital should be presented. The manual includes information on proper capitalization, listing movements, etc.

4. The student programs office will email you a friendly reminder 4 weeks before your recital. To ensure you get this email, keep your email updated in ArtsVision. This is a courtesy email. Regardless of whether you receive this email, it remains your responsibility to submit your program by the deadline.

5. Complete the submission form with your recital information using the Style Manual as a guide.

6. Proof your program thoroughly: Please double-check composer & composition names, spellings, and dates as well as recital date, times, locations, and general spelling. Ensure that relevant movements and performers are properly listed.

7. Proof your submission form again, and consider having someone else proof for you.

8. When you are confident your program is free of errors, submit it via email to You should receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 48 hours, reach out to Nathan Russell at

2 Weeks Before Your Recital

The deadline for you to submit your program to the program office is 14 calendar days before your recital. This is a hard deadline. If your program is not received by this deadline, you will not receive a program. No exceptions.

1 Week Before Your Recital

About 1 week before your recital, you will receive an electronic copy of your program via email, along with confirmation of printing. 

Getting your physical programs to your recital

If your recital is taking place in Bates, Jessen or the Recital Studio...

then your event is managed, and your assigned event manager will bring your programs to your recital. You don’t need to do anything to make this happen.  

If your recital is taking place in any other space or off-campus...

then your event is unmanaged, and you must pick up your programs in advance of your recital. Your recital programs will be left in the drop box on the door of the Student Programs Office, MBE 3.614. You should pick up your programs as soon as possible once they are ready.

If you miss the program deadline submission

Providing your own program

If you choose to provide your own program, or miss the submission deadline, please note the following policies:

1. You are responsible for printing the programs and getting them to your recital. The programs office will not print them on your behalf.

2. It is recommended that you provide at least 40 copies of your program.

3. Use the Program Style Manual to ensure your program meets the school’s style requirements

4. You MUST submit a PDF of your final program to the Student Recital Programs Office for archiving and reporting purposes. If we do not receive a copy of your program, your recital recording will be withheld until your program is on file.

Questions or problems should be directed to the Student Programs office at