This page contains information about the following

Quick info on using Breakout Rooms: 

Video Demo of "Breakouts" Feature

Assigning Students to Breakout Rooms 

You can easily assign students Automatically (randomly) or Manually to breakout rooms

To Assign Students to Breakout Rooms

To Assign Students Automatically

To Assign Students Manually

You have a lot of control over your breakout rooms. As a host you can:

Attendee Perspective

Additional Breakout Room Controls

You can return students to their breakout rooms. You can also change breakout rooms mid class, but you will have to do it manually (unless you want to do random assignments again), so this is something that you should coordinate with a helper or TA who you can make host for a while you give instructions to the class. Co-hostscannot start breakout rooms or move students from one room to another. Also, it is critical that your helper TA not leave the Zoom classroom before you are done with the breakout rooms that he or she created because that will cause those rooms to disappear.

Experiment before you try this with a class!

Preassigned Breakout Rooms

In order to create preassigned breakout rooms in a Zoom Canvas class, two things need to be set up. First, be sure that breakout rooms are enabled for your specific class (done through Canvas) and second, edit the class in so that preassigned Zoom breakout rooms are allowed.

Set a Timer for Participants in a Breakout Room Indicating When the Room Will End

Once you have begun a meeting, click the Breakout Room button on the control bar at the bottom of your meeting window. You can assign students to Breakout Rooms from there. If you click Options it will allow you to pre-determine how long your students will be in the breakout rooms. it will also give you the option to send an automated message warning all of the students that the break it is going to end. Here are the options available for a Breakout Room:

Once the Breakout Rooms begin there is a button in the bottom left corner of the Breakout Rooms window that allows you to “Broadcast a message to all” if you would prefer to let the students know yourself.

Pre-Assign Breakout Rooms in a Zoom Canvas Class


Additional Zoom Resource Links on "Breakout Rooms" Features

Still need help? 

For McCombs faculty, please contact Media Services via email or phone:

For all other UT faculty, please contact your respective college or school