How to access a recording

How to publish Zoom recordings for students to see (also unpublish, unlink and disassociate Zoom recordings/meetings)

Troubleshoot recordings not showing up to students

If you get a situation where students say they're unable to view a video after you've published it on Canvas, please try the following steps to force the publish to happen from your UT Zoom Profile.

  1. Confirm that you have flipped the "Publish" toggle via the steps above.  If you've done this then move to the next step
  2. Navigate to your online UT Zoom profile recording:
  3. Find the recording you want to publish and click on the "Share" button to the right of it

  4. If you see something like this, the video publishing from Canvas didn't take effect.

  5. Toggle the "Share this recording" switch and make sure you've shared your recording with "Only authenticated users".  Once you share to authenticated users, students will be prompted to log in with the UTEID before being able to view the view.  NOTE: You can consider adding a password to videos via the last option.  Try to avoid making videos public unless you think there isn't a privacy concern.

How to Edit a Zoom Recording Using Panopto Video

There’s an app built into Canvas called Panopto Video where you may upload video files and edit them using the Panopto editing feature. You may find it in the side bar of your canvas page when logged onto your chosen course