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From the Dean

I have the privilege of traveling the world on behalf of the McCombs School of Business, meeting with school supporters, recruiters, academic peers, and alumni leaders. Wherever I go, I hear expressions of pride and appreciation from those who know us well. 

My travels have also convinced me that we deserve to be better known, especially in top job markets across the United States and around the globe. Among the financial centers of our country’s East Coast to the thriving tech innovators on the West Coast, the McCombs School is making its mark — but we must accelerate our progress. Our school deserves to be acknowledged for its unique and differentiating strengths, and our graduates must be recognized for the value they deliver to dynamic organizations everywhere.

To that end, I initiated a plan to refresh the brand platform for Texas McCombs, the details of which are described in this document. Please use these guidelines to present a consistent image of this exceptional business school brand, as consistency and repetition will increase awareness, appreciation, and advocacy.

Our future will be what we make it today. Thank you for pushing forward in a united effort in which the reputation of the school is strengthened by the complementary efforts of each program, center, and initiative.

Jay Hartzell

Dean, McCombs School of Business