
Setup output directory.

If you do not have an alignment file in the SAM format you may want to start with Introduction to mapping.

Prepare reference file.

Prepare alignment file.

Convert SAM to BAM format.

[samopen] SAM header is present: 1 sequences.

Sort BAM file.

[bam_sort_core] merging from 2 files...

Variant call output.

[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
<mpileup> Set max per-file depth to 8000
[bcfview] 100000 sites processed.
[afs] 0:99910.349 1:52.764 2:36.886
[bcfview] 200000 sites processed.
[afs] 0:99946.543 1:48.457 2:5.000
[bcfview] 300000 sites processed.
[afs] 0:99976.591 1:5.410 2:17.999
[bcfview] 400000 sites processed.
[afs] 0:99984.243 1:8.357 2:7.399
[bcfview] 500000 sites processed.
[afs] 0:99970.803 1:23.197 2:6.000
[afs] 0:63952.773 1:6.227 2:2.000

Produces output.vcf from Bowtie and output.vcf from BWA.

Move all 3(question) bam files and all 3(question) vcf files to lonestar
introduce bedtools.

Developing a pipeline.