Common stuff:


Project allocation for the class, e.g. : 20130520NGS-FAC


Instructors de-briefing 5/23/13:

Instructors de-briefing 8/23/12:

Older to-dos

Our project is: 20120820NGS

Use this when list a command to submit to the queue, not run interactively 

Use followed by qsub to submit this command.


Guidelines on scripting vs. individual commands:

1. On early-on basics (e.g. day 1), try to lead students to do it themselves; copy and paste hidden is OK.

We're going to run R interactively on HN, idev -m <bunch> is backup, local machines is next. John F. looking at other options.

SPHS to move $BI/subdirs into ngs_course and update links