Your Instructors

We are members (or alumni) of the functional genomics lab of Vishwanath Iyer, UT Austin.



Post its

Green post-it – I'm good at the moment.

Pink post-it – I need a bit of help.


Link to Etherpad:

Use this to post any questions you have about the lessons and tutorials.


Text that you find in courier font refers to a program or file name on a computer.

If you see a block of text like this:

ls -h

it means, "type the command ls -h into a terminal window, hit return, and see what happens".

We intend this course to offer as much self-learning as possible. Consequently, you'll find many sections like this - click on the triangle to expand them:

Hint sections will provide you some guidance on what to do next, but will not spell it out.

and some sections like this:

Solution sections will contain the commands so that you could copy-and-paste them if you have to. They should be exactly accurate.

About the Iyer Lab