Creating new content will only apply to those entering courses, events, room reservations, or stories. All other types of content must go through an approval process with the web content manager and, if necessary, the Web Steering Committee, before creation. 


New Page Approval Process

  1. A content contributor or content owner will submit a page request to the web content manager with the following information:
    1. What is the goal of the page, and why is that goal not met on other pages?
    2. How would the page fit in with the existing information architecture/sitemap?
    3. Are there any other possible ways to address the need for information without adding a new page?
    4. What would be the creative, technical and maintenance needs of the proposed page?
  2. The web content manager will review the request. If an agreement on approve/deny cannot be reached between the content manager and the contributor/owner, the issue will be taken to the Web Steering Committee.
  3. If the request is approved, a new page will be created for the contributor to populate with content (submitted in a copy deck) approved by the content manager.
    1. The content manager will assist in fitting the page into existing navigation, including adding right-hand navigation items when necessary.
  4. If the request is denied, the content manager will work with the contributor/owner to address the original need in a more appropriate way, in fitting with the LBJ School web strategy. 

A note on the design of new page: The design of all pages on the LBJ Core Site is dictated by the cohesive design provided during the web redesign process, and any decisions made to change that design will be data driven and go through an approval process with the web team, including the Web Steering Committee when necessary.


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