*Totally different concept than Depth of field.*

This is what Shea has to say:

  • Tolerance in the accuracy of the seating of the lens
  • The distance on either side of the focal plane where the film or CCD can be seated and still record an acceptably sharp image

He also noted during that lecture near the beginning of the semester that we will be tested purely on the fact that Depth of Focus is NOT Depth of Field, but will not be expected to understand it fully. - Claudette

I don\'t have the Maumer book, so I don't know if he has anything to add but I have a theory to further explain this principle. There will ultimately be a distances both too far away and too close for you to be able to manipulate the lens into focusing upon. The area between your farthest capacity for focusing and your nearest capacity for focusing is the Depth of focus.

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