High angle - Camera is placed above the subject, pointing down; meant to diminish the subject, making it look threatened or small.

Birds eye - Also called an overhead shot, it is actually a variation of the high angle shot, but it is so extreme that it has an effect all its own. This shot is from directly above and tends to have a god like omniscient point of view; people look ant like.

Low - One in which the camera is below the subject angled upward. Tends to make characters or environments look threatening

Eye level - Eye level shots are those taken with the camera on or near the eye level of the character or subject being filmed. Eye level shots tend to be neutral. much like a medium shot, an eye level shot puts the viewer on equal footing with the subject being filmed.

Canted - Also known as a Dutch Angle. The camera is tilted laterally on a tripod so it is no longer parallel with the horizon. The oblique shot takes the straight lines of the world and presents them as diagonals. This type of shot is generally used to give an overwhelming sense of the world's being unbalanced or out of kilter.

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