We will be releasing an additional update to Quest in the next few days. We have made significant changes to the system, increasing its stability, responsiveness and reliability. The appearance of the application will also change; however, all the functionality remains. Please excuse us while we get the new updates rolled out. Thank you for your support!

Welcome to the Quest Learning & Assessment documentation pages!



Getting Started


For Instructors


For Students

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This space is currently under construction, so please forgive us for inactive links. We hope to have the space fully operational soon. Thank you for using Quest Learning & Assessment.



What's new in Quest:

Summer 2016 Release

Over the past two months, we have made significant changes to the system, increasing its stability, responsiveness and reliability. The application interface has also changed to create a consistent appearance. We have added two new features, as well:
- Instructors can now request that the questions they have created be promoted for inclusion in the main question banks of Quest.
- All our external instructors can have their students enroll in their courses via a link, rather than requesting enrollment.

Thank you for your continued support.

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