Obtaining a RCTF Account

Access to the PODs is controlled by RCTF accounts. To access a POD you will first need to request a RCTF account if you don't already have one.

A TACC account is required by the account request form. If you don't already have a TACC account, you should   get one before proceeding.  See TACC Information for help.

To request a RCTF account, go to https://rctf-account-request.icmb.utexas.edu/cqb/

Note: Access to this web site is only available from on-campus or using the UT VPN service.

Use the "New Account Request" form (button) to sign up for an account.

Upon a successful submission of the New Account Request form, an RCTF account will be created but you will not yet have access to any POD resources.

Based on the Affilitation(s) you indicated in your account information, your resource request will be directed to a POD account manager who will review your request and grant you access to the appropriate POD resources.

Updating RCTF passwords and account information

Password can only be updated using the RCTF Account Management website. This allows RCTF to capture password changes in one place then deploy those changes to multiple servers.

Note: The passwd password-change program has been disabled on all compute servers to enforce this restriction.

To update your RCTF password, go to the change password form (https://rctf-account-request.icmb.utexas.edu/change-password/). Password changes will propagate to your authorized computing servers within a few hours.

To update your contact information and affiliations, go to https://rctf-account-request.icmb.utexas.edu/cqb/, login, and use the "Update contact info" form. Except for the username and EID fields, all other fields in your account record can be updated.

POD Information

  1. Chen POD
    1. Groups: Chen
    2. Storage servers: chenstor01.ccbb.utexas.edu
    3. Compute servers: chencomp01.ccbb.utexas.edu, chencomp02.ccbb.utexas.edu
    1. Groups: Georgiou, Barrick, Cannatella, Ellington, GSAF, Hawkes, Hofmann, Kirisits, Lambowitz, Leibold, Marcotte, Matz, Mueller, Ochman, Sullivan, Browning, FRI-BigDataBio-2016
    2. Storage servers: gsafstor01.ccbb.utexas.edu
    3. Compute servers: gsafcbig01.ccbb.utexas.edu, gsafcomp01.ccbb.utexas.edu, gsafcomp02.ccbb.utexas.edu
  3. Iyer POD
    1. Iyer
    2. Storage servers: iyerstor01.ccbb.utexas.edu
    3. Compute servers: iyercomp01.ccbb.utexas.edu, iyercomp02.ccbb.utexas.edu, iyercomp03.ccbb.utexas.edu
  4. Lambowitz/CCBB POD
    1. Lambowitz, Hofmann, Cannatella, Jansen, Hillis
    2. Storage servers: lambstor01.ccbb.utexas.edu
    3. Compute servers: lambcomp01.ccbb.utexas.edu, ccbbcomp01.ccbb.utexas.edu, ccbbcomp02.ccbb.utexas.edu
  5. Marcotte POD
    1. Marcotte
    2. Storage servers: marcstor02.ccbb.utexas.edu
    3. Compute servers: marccomp01.ccbb.utexas.edu, marccomp02.ccbb.utexas.edu, marccomp03.ccbb.utexas.edu
  6. Wilke POD
    1. Wilke, AG3C
    2. Storage servers: wilkstor01.ccbb.utexas.edu
    3. Compute servers: wilkcomp01.ccbb.utexas.edu, wilkcomp02.ccbb.utexas.edu

POD Software Information

All POD compute servers have identical BioLinux 8 Operating System configurations, which is based Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, plus a number of additional packages we have identified. Some PODs have additional software installed which is unique to that POD.

Let us know if there is additional software you would like to have installed.

POD Storage and Backups

All of the POD compute servers have access to their own shared storage, where you will have individual home directories (under /stor/home) and shared work and scratch areas (under /stor/work and /stor/scratch). Home directories have a 100 GB quota; shared Work areas will (eventually) have multi-TB quotas (TBD).

All Home and Work directories are backed up weekly to a separate backup storage server (spinning disk), and from there will be archived to TACC's RANCH tape archive roughly once per 3 to 6 months (TBD).

Home directories have will have snapshots enabled (TBD).