To Create a Project, click the green plus icon at the top right of the screen, as indicated in the following figure.


Figure 3.1 - Creating a Project

Next the user will be presented with a new web page that will ask for:

  • Project Name.
  • Industry Group of the project (Building, Industrial, Infrastructure). Please refer to the 10-10 Glossary for a list of possible project types included in each industry group. Note that you cannot change the industry sector after you create the project and you 10-10 report is greatly affected by the sector type you choose.
  • Which surveys to create and who will be the assigned Project Coordinator (PC). In each drop down menu on the right, you will see a list of all the people with your company that have a Benchmarking Role in CII's database. 


Figure 3.2 - Initial Project Creation Screen

In the following example, A “New Project for User Manual” is being created and 2 of the Phase Surveys have been assigned.


Figure 3.3 - Creating Surveys

Click the ‘Save’ button will save the Created Project and Surveys. And then a project number will be assigned. Click the ‘Go Back’ button to return to the main 10-10 program administration page.

The following diagram illustrates how this project will be represented on the My Projects box:


Figure 3.4 - My Project with the newly added project

The Newly added project is at the bottom of the listing. As you can see, grid status boxes for Front-End Planning / Programming and Engineering / Design have been created. It is important to note that the shading of the first phase is darker than the shading of the second phase. This is because the first phase was assigned to the current user, where the second phase was assigned to another project coordinator.

In order to change aspects of the Project, change assignments of project coordinators, or create new assignments to a new phase, click the pencil icon next to the project name, as shown below:


This will return the user to the Create/Edit Project page reviewed above.

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